With global population surge and consequent food demand pressure increase, agriculture corporations have been investing heavily in modernization / mechanization of activities across value chain. This modernization enables efficiency gains in resources management, namely via workforce shortage in several geographical areas and daily field activity energetic or financial waste control.
Across field activity types we have several machine categories - tractors, support machinery to plant, cultivate , harvest or fertilize, etc.
Looking towards a significant investment asset, tractors, technology solutions with GPS / GSM real-time localisation, usage management and telematics are now widely available.
In practical terms, the following questions can now be addressed:
As stated above, there are several products in the market that provide answers to quaestions like these, but not in the most precise way. Why? The majority of products account usage time right after key is placed in ignition.
In Quatenus, our system is based on the machine alternator, increasing field services information precision levels. This empowers our clients to rely on more accurate data before decision making!