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Technology is playing an increasingly important role in modern companies, driving their digital transformation needs.

Quatenus is a company that offers innovative IoT (Internet of Things) solutions in the context of Digital Transformation through an integrated platform that enables automatic digital management of vehicles, machines, teams and stock. The organization's information management and processes can become totally digital, with lower costs and greater efficiency, through Quatenus MyDocs, a perfect example of what Digital Transformation is all about.

Create smart forms and apps to collect your information or implement fully customized processes for your business with a quick, low-investment implementation and use on smartphones and tablets. Carry out goods transfers with product photos, inspections, work orders, field data collection, material deliveries, rental or assignment processes, customer feedback, complaints management, sales processes, etc. All without limitations on the number of documents you need, with all the information automatically stored in the Cloud in a secure way that can be consulted anywhere.

What is digital transformation in business?

The concept of digital transformation in business refers to the adoption of digital technologies that aim to improve processes, enhance efficiency and drive innovation in companies.

This involves the use of multiple connected devices, data analytics, task automation, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies.

Digital transformation allows companies to optimize their operations, increase productivity, reduce costs and achieve a higher level of competitiveness in the market in which they operate.

The process impacts every aspect of the business, from internal communication and customer relations to supply chain management and strategic decision-making.

Importance of digital transformation in enterprises

Digital transformation is essential for businesses that want to stay relevant and competitive in today's world.

With rapid technological change and the emergence of new business models, companies that fail to keep up risk falling behind and missing out on valuable opportunities.

Digital transformation in organizations allows companies to adapt to market demand, offering more personalized products and services and meeting customer expectations.

In addition, this process provides greater operational efficiency by allowing the automation of repetitive processes and the optimization of resources.

Another important benefit of digital transformation is the ability to make decisions based on hard data and advanced analytics.

With information available quickly and accurately, companies can identify trends, anticipate problems and take proactive steps to achieve better results.

How to manage digital transformation in companies?

Managing digital transformation in companies is a complex process that requires planning, adequate resources and the engagement of the entire team. Some important steps to manage this process effectively include:

Analysis and diagnosis

Before starting your digital transformation process, it is essential to understand the current situation of the company and identify the areas that need improvement. A detailed analysis of existing processes, technologies and skills can help establish a baseline for this digital transformation.

Setting goals and objectives

It is important to establish clear and measurable goals for the digital transformation. These goals should be aligned with the company's strategy and reflect its specific needs and challenges.

Implementation of technology solutions

Choosing the right technology solutions is critical to the success of digital transformation. It is important to evaluate the options available on the market and select those that meet your company's needs. 

Quatenus Mydocs developed by Quatenus stands out as an innovative solution.


Quatenus Mydocs: simplifying document management

Quatenus Mydocs is a digital solution developed by Quatenus that aims to simplify document management in companies.

With this tool, you can store, organize and access important documents quickly, securely and efficiently.

Quatenus Mydocs enables the digitization of physical documents, eliminating the need for storage spaces and reducing the risk of loss or damage.

In addition, Mydocs offers advanced search and indexing capabilities, making it easy to quickly locate specific documents.

With this solution, companies can improve collaboration between teams by sharing documents in an instant and controlled way.

At the same time, it is also possible to set access permissions and track the history of changes, ensuring document security and traceability.

Quatenus Mydocs is an intuitive and user-friendly platform that can be accessed both from a computer and mobile devices, in a friendly and customizable user experience that adapts to the specific needs of each company.

Digital transformation is an increasingly present reality in companies that offers numerous opportunities for growth, efficiency and innovation. The management of this process is essential to ensure the success and sustainability of organizations.

Quatenus Mydocs is a modern and efficient solution to simplify document management in companies. With this tool, it is possible to obtain the benefits of digital transformation in a more practical and accessible way.

When embarking on the digital transformation journey, it is important to consider innovative solutions like Quatenus Mydocs to boost your company's efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.

Quatenus MyDocs - Manage documents efficiently.

Manage documents efficiently.

Quatenus MyDocs - Simplified data collection.

Simplified data collection.

Quatenus MyDocs - View documents in the cloud in real time.

View documents in the cloud in real time.

Quatenus MyDocs - Reducing paper and process costs.

Reducing paper and process costs.

Turn Paper into Digital Forms: Convert your manual, paper-based documents and processes into forms with rules that collect all the necessary information and automatically define processes.

Free search on the information collected: Search at any time for any information you need, without having to sift through thousands of paper documents, with an immediate response on each type of document, increasing operational efficiency.

Smart forms: Create flexible forms to create forms adapted to your needs. Choose a template (e.g. inspection) or start from scratch according to your needs. Use calculated fields, conditional logic, patterns and your own rules. There is total flexibility from simple to complex forms.

Efficient workflows with fewer errors: Forms enriched with GPS location data (for validation) - eliminate laborious paper-based and error-prone processes. Collect data faster and more efficiently, increase transparency between your team and senior management and use workflow automation tools to push data to other business systems.

Always Mobile and Available: Anytime, anywhere, easily collect reliable data on any device. Stay productive whether you're connected or offline, in the office or in the field. Automatically synchronize updates to forms to access the latest information.

Information that is always visible and consultable: Manage, visualize and analyze data in one place and in real time (it is available as soon as it is received). Discover patterns in your data using graphs, tables and maps. Use reports and share web links with your organization with the results.

Security and Traceability: All information captured is encrypted and stored in a way that prevents any alteration, all information queries and stages of the process are recorded to allow auditing and traceability of each type of document.

Better decisions based on real data: Visualize form submissions in real time on a map or in graphs and tables. Analyze your results and discover data trends and patterns. Share your insights with maps, the Quatenus MyDocs App or dynamic dashboards. Export customized answers and reports in PDF or Microsoft Excel formats to obtain immediate information and guide decision-making.

Quatenus MyDocs advanced features

All information is geo-referenced and encrypted

We guarantee the security and integrity of your data from its source. Georeferencing is automatically applied to all digital forms, providing the exact location of their creation. We use bank-level encryption to protect all information, ensuring that only authorized users can access it. Data is stored in read-only mode, making it impossible to make any changes once each document has been closed.

Searchable and Secure Information History

All documents are stored in a BigData database, allowing for fast and accurate searches. With our free search functionality, similar to Google, you can find any document in seconds. Documents are stored in unwritten mode and are available for consultation according to user access permissions.

Easy and Secure Document Sharing via Web Link

With Quatenus MyDocs, sharing documents is simple and secure. You can send documents via email, WhatsApp or SMS message using an automatically generated web link. All accesses are recorded for auditing, guaranteeing full traceability.

RELIABILITY | Efficient communication even with low bandwidth

We use proprietary communication protocols that guarantee the successful delivery of information, even in low-bandwidth environments. Communication is optimized to guarantee data integrity, even in environments with limited internet speed.

Real-time synchronization

Os dados recolhidos nos formulários digitais são sincronizados em tempo real com a plataforma Quatenus. Pode aceder a estes dados a qualquer momento, quer esteja na web ou no seu telemóvel.

MyDocs | The Digital Forms APP

The MyDocs mobile application allows employees to fill in digital forms dynamically. The data is sent to the back office as soon as the task is started, suspended or finished, allowing operations to be monitored in real time.

Customizable Dashboards + AI - Artificial Intelligence

View all relevant information in one place with our customizable dashboards. Using BigData Analytics and A.I., you can monitor operator activity, compare planned versus actual, and detect abnormal patterns.

Events | Receipt or Missing Information Alerts

Set up personalized alerts and events for your business. Receive messages by SMS, email or direct message on your cell phone about important events for your business.

OFFLINE | Online or Offline Operation

Quatenus MyDocs works both online and offline, ensuring operability even in areas with poor network coverage. Data is stored locally and synchronized automatically when the connection is re-established.

Your organization is part of the management system

A estrutura do Quatenus MyDocs é totalmente configurável para se adaptar à sua organização. Organogramas, locais, projetos e clientes podem ser personalizados de acordo com as suas necessidades.

Webservices (API) | Native Integration with Client Systems

Using standard webservices (API), you can integrate the data from the forms with your company's existing systems, such as ERP and CRM.

GDPR | 100% Compliance with Privacy Legislation

We fully comply with European privacy and data protection laws. Specific features, such as access control and encryption, ensure that your company complies with the GDPR.


As you embark on the digital transformation journey, it's important to consider innovative solutions like Quatenus Mydocs to boost your company's efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.

Contact us
Luis Simões
Grupo Alltech
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