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What is the real value of iOT applications?

In this iOT journey fro concept to practice it is important to bear in mind some metrics that illustrate expectation generated in multiple dimensions:

  • $ 11 Trillion US Dollars: potential economic effetc that application settings can reach in 2025, according to McKinsey Global Institute;
  • 30 Billion iOT devices: IDC forecast for 2020, overtaking largely the world population;
  • 10 Million occurrences: Search terms related to iOT in Google, per month.


Technologic Revolution

To understand iOT economic effects it is important to understand the basics of this revolution. Working "in the cloud" or in hybrid models, all things connected can be monitored and communicate according to specific goal setting. This represents huge data volumes at a reduced cost and simplified through Big Data tools.

More importantly, it is made possible to access ALL relevant information in real-time as events occur.

This practice will empower professional and personal segments to increase productivity levels, decrease or remove downtime and better manage work flows.


Application settings

Several settings will become widely commercial available. We highlight the following:

  • Personal: Wearables that monitor towards improved well-being in heath & firness areas;
  • Home: Energy, robotic or safety level controllers;
  • Retail: Automatic checkout and in-store promotions based on visitor profile;
  • Factories: Equipment usage optimisation and inventory management;
  • Vehicles: Multiple systems within mobile vehicles to enable programmed maintenance with zero downtime;
  • Cities: Traffic centralised management and pollution monitoring.

Taking advantage of iOT implies reaching a level of data knowledge of data and analysis that most corporations don't have at the moment. With all the accumulated experience in its products development, Quatenus looks forward optimistically for this revolution and is developing solutions that will help you reach your goals.

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Luis Simões
Grupo Alltech
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